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Michigan's Ploud Home

Advanced Functionality

Event registration software
Collections (Tidy displays that bring together content from different areas of your site)
Portlet management (The boxes on the right and left of every page)
Cover pages (Drag and drop page layouts)
Controlling your navigation (The "drop-down home" menu option)
Carousels (Rotating images you can place on any page) - Part I (creating tiles) and II (installing them on your site)

Event Registration Software

(8:30) Explanation of how to install and use the event registration software in Ploud.


(10:31) Tidy displays that bring together content from different areas of your site. In this example I pull Upcoming Days the Library Will Be Closed out of the calendar and display them neatly, together.

Portlet Management

(13:38) Managing the boxes on the right and left of every page: how to locate specific portlets, controlling length, which portlets appear on which pages, adding and deleting individual portlets or groups of portlets.

Cover Pages

(12:11) Drag and drop rows and columns to create your own page grid that you can fill with different content types. Allows for greater control of page layout and look and feel opportunities.

Controlling Your Navigation

(4:44) You now have the option of including or excluding the "Home" option in all of your drop-down menus. What you need to know when changing your navigation so that "Home" no longer appears.

Carousels Part I

(10:20) Rotating images you can place on any page. Great for advertising programs or events or a virtual tour of your library building or services. Includes tips on creating great looking image tiles in free, external software and pointers for creating accessible carousels.

Carousels Part II

(10:41). Installing carousel slides onto your Ploud site.